Monday, August 24, 2009
Pictures of the House in Progress
sorry for the slight messiness... this is my new master bedroom closet!
living room from the entry doorway...
freshly tiled entryway...
living room from the family room...
family room...
new stove and range hood...
new fridge!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
My First Steps as a Homeowner
So I closed on my house this Monday. It seemed like a long road to get there (but from what I've heard of others' stories, mine wasn't too bad).
I had the electricity turned on Monday, so I was able to go over there and relish the fact that I now own a house. Unfortunately, the water company takes a little longer so there have been no sleepovers at my new house yet. The previous occupants left the water on when they moved out, so there was a bill left, and then the account had to go through delinquent accounts to be separated from the property...and so on. So, I didn't have to pay the bill, but it took longer to get to water-turn on stage. Hopefully, Tuesday I will have water!
I took a vacation day on Friday and let the natural gas guy in to turn that on, light the pilot lights in my ancient, icky, yucky stove that will be replaced as soon as humanly possible. He showed me how to do the hot water heater, but that has to wait until there's water in it!
The carpet guy came from home depot to get measurements for a quote as well. I'll be interested to see how much $ that will set me back!
I have successfully installed one new ceiling fan, I'm close to finishing a second, and the third will quickly be completed (because I am now an expert at installing ceiling fans).
A friend came and helped me start painting (actually, just priming) today - it's nice to see something different on the walls - even if it's just white.
And my bro helped me (well, I helped him) get all of the branches and logs out of my yard that had been left there. It was a bit of an eyesore. But now that there gone, you can see how long the grass is and how badly it needs cutting. If only I had a lawnmower...
Plans for next week? Finish the ceiling fans, as soon as I get water, clean the kitchen and bathrooms!!! Painting party on Saturday, hopefully. I already got some paint at the discount paint store, but I'm not satisfied with the colors... so I might be procuring some more paint.
Lets see... I'll have a contractor stop by Monday or Tuesday night to check out the roof that needs repairing in the apartment (and maybe to look at the new leak I discovered in the family room - thankfully, it's not bad....yet).
Wow... there is no end of projects to be completed. Well, I guess that's part of the reason I got the house. I like projects and opportunities to be creative. I was a little surprised to find that putting one of the ceiling fans together had a calming effect on me when I was in a bad mood. I'm definitely thankful it didn't put me int the bad mood!
Oh, and my car broke down! On Friday, when I was going to bring it to get new tires, it wouldn't start... so that was an extra expense I did not need... sparkplugs and wires and 1 tune-up later... there were still issues it had to go to the dealer for, but hopefully all those issues can be resolved by the recalls on the car that hadn't been performed yet. And then, I'll get my car back on Monday (2 tow trips later!).
Ah, the joys of owning things.
I had the electricity turned on Monday, so I was able to go over there and relish the fact that I now own a house. Unfortunately, the water company takes a little longer so there have been no sleepovers at my new house yet. The previous occupants left the water on when they moved out, so there was a bill left, and then the account had to go through delinquent accounts to be separated from the property...and so on. So, I didn't have to pay the bill, but it took longer to get to water-turn on stage. Hopefully, Tuesday I will have water!
I took a vacation day on Friday and let the natural gas guy in to turn that on, light the pilot lights in my ancient, icky, yucky stove that will be replaced as soon as humanly possible. He showed me how to do the hot water heater, but that has to wait until there's water in it!
The carpet guy came from home depot to get measurements for a quote as well. I'll be interested to see how much $ that will set me back!
I have successfully installed one new ceiling fan, I'm close to finishing a second, and the third will quickly be completed (because I am now an expert at installing ceiling fans).
A friend came and helped me start painting (actually, just priming) today - it's nice to see something different on the walls - even if it's just white.
And my bro helped me (well, I helped him) get all of the branches and logs out of my yard that had been left there. It was a bit of an eyesore. But now that there gone, you can see how long the grass is and how badly it needs cutting. If only I had a lawnmower...
Plans for next week? Finish the ceiling fans, as soon as I get water, clean the kitchen and bathrooms!!! Painting party on Saturday, hopefully. I already got some paint at the discount paint store, but I'm not satisfied with the colors... so I might be procuring some more paint.
Lets see... I'll have a contractor stop by Monday or Tuesday night to check out the roof that needs repairing in the apartment (and maybe to look at the new leak I discovered in the family room - thankfully, it's not bad....yet).
Wow... there is no end of projects to be completed. Well, I guess that's part of the reason I got the house. I like projects and opportunities to be creative. I was a little surprised to find that putting one of the ceiling fans together had a calming effect on me when I was in a bad mood. I'm definitely thankful it didn't put me int the bad mood!
Oh, and my car broke down! On Friday, when I was going to bring it to get new tires, it wouldn't start... so that was an extra expense I did not need... sparkplugs and wires and 1 tune-up later... there were still issues it had to go to the dealer for, but hopefully all those issues can be resolved by the recalls on the car that hadn't been performed yet. And then, I'll get my car back on Monday (2 tow trips later!).
Ah, the joys of owning things.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
I am busy
What a busy week I've had...
Well, Leigh Ann, I've re-adapted to doing your job. That keeps me busy.
I haven't had the happiest couple of days for my health - I've been revisited by migraine headaches. But that seems to have passed and will hopefully stay away for a while.
In my housing situation, I visited the idea of getting my mortgage through an agriculture lender we use for work (being an agriculture person, I could use them).
So I put the mortgage broker on hold, scrambled to reassemble all of my information required to obtain a mortgage, and waited (thankfully less than 8 hours) to discover my fate...
The numbers were actually close. Close enough that I stayed with the first guy (especially since he's done all the work!)
The house was appraised this week... so I'm hoping the next step will be a closing date! Almost there...
I'm taking speech class at Valencia Community College this semester - only 3 more classes to go, 2 speeches, and 1 final... and a partridge in a pear tree. I have to say, I was not looking forward to taking this class - not because I hate speaking in front of people, but because I'm fairly comfortable in front of people and have some experience in speaking (albeit, back a few years). But I've been pleasantly surprised. I've learned things, and feel like I could be a much more organized and effective speaker than I was before.
My next speech has to be a persuasive one... I'm thinking of going for "Why you should by from local garden centers instead of Home Depot." Sound good?
Daniel and I have been dating for... oh, 19 months today.
Since we've been dating, I've been wanting to change his room around, to make it... more je ne se quois, conducive to the space it has? I was given permission to do it this Saturday... we'll see if the grand ideas in my head will work with the space he actually has!
Well, Leigh Ann, I've re-adapted to doing your job. That keeps me busy.
I haven't had the happiest couple of days for my health - I've been revisited by migraine headaches. But that seems to have passed and will hopefully stay away for a while.
In my housing situation, I visited the idea of getting my mortgage through an agriculture lender we use for work (being an agriculture person, I could use them).
So I put the mortgage broker on hold, scrambled to reassemble all of my information required to obtain a mortgage, and waited (thankfully less than 8 hours) to discover my fate...
The numbers were actually close. Close enough that I stayed with the first guy (especially since he's done all the work!)
The house was appraised this week... so I'm hoping the next step will be a closing date! Almost there...
I'm taking speech class at Valencia Community College this semester - only 3 more classes to go, 2 speeches, and 1 final... and a partridge in a pear tree. I have to say, I was not looking forward to taking this class - not because I hate speaking in front of people, but because I'm fairly comfortable in front of people and have some experience in speaking (albeit, back a few years). But I've been pleasantly surprised. I've learned things, and feel like I could be a much more organized and effective speaker than I was before.
My next speech has to be a persuasive one... I'm thinking of going for "Why you should by from local garden centers instead of Home Depot." Sound good?
Daniel and I have been dating for... oh, 19 months today.
Since we've been dating, I've been wanting to change his room around, to make it... more je ne se quois, conducive to the space it has? I was given permission to do it this Saturday... we'll see if the grand ideas in my head will work with the space he actually has!
Friday, July 3, 2009
My Life as of Late
What's new with me?
Well, I'm buying a house. It's 3 bedroom, 2 bath, with a garage apartment (1 bed, 1 bath). My living area is around 1200 square feet. There's a lot of stuff I'd like to do to the house, but instead of putting down 10% like I originally planned, I'm putting down 20% because there is no more mortgage insurance in Florida. It'll be a little harder initially (and I'll have much less cash to make some improvements) but I'll have more equity... and lower monthly payments.
I have a hard time believing that this is actually happening. I've been planning to by a house for so long, since I turned 25. Now, I'll be 29 in October... and I beat my goal by 1 year. I made savings goals for myself, to be ready to buy a house by the time I was 30. Thanks to the recession, I was ready earlier!
It makes me really excited to accomplish such a big goal, because I feel like I haven't had many other goals over the past few years. This was a big one. So what next?
Well, I guess pay for the house... make some modifications... find a renter for the apartment... start practicing hospitality (I'm really looking forward to that one)... maybe I'll finally get around to teaching violin lessons. That's a "sometime" goal for me... something I'd like to do at some point.
Oh, and of course there's finishing my AA degree. It feels like that one is taking forever. I'm making steady progress, but will my progress be impeded by the house purchase? I sure won't have any spare money for a while. I should fill out a FAFSA... so they can see I don't have any money. Then, maybe the government will pay for my school. Don't you love socialist America?
And my never-ending battle with health. I've grown to hate taking medicine. And paying big medical bills... even though I have health insurance. It seems as though for all the stuff wrong with me, the best choices/doctors/labs for treatments, don't take health insurance. I submit the bills, but after my $1000 deductible, I still end up paying at least 40% of the bill. That's expensive.
I'm feeling pretty good these days... even though I haven't been taking my medicine. But I'm eating pretty well, getting enough rest, getting excercise... maybe if I keep that up for a while, I can prolong the next doctor visit until I have some money.
I have some fun festivities ahead of me for the 4th of July weekend. Milestone, another greenhouse, is having a bbq today - so I'll get to see some friends over there. And then Jacob West's 5th birthday party is at 3... unfortunately it's almost an hour drive for me to get there (if I take the toll roads - yuck). But it's always a blast playing with the kids from church - and I enjoy catching the action with my camera!
I got a great present for Jacob - it's the giant hulk fists/punching gloves that make noises when you hit the end of them. I thought about getting them for Daniel, but he'll just have to play with Jacob's when he's at his house.
Tomorrow afternoon is the Yarborough's - my second 4th of July with them. It's crazy how fast time goes... another bbq and fireworks!
Billy is having his 5th annual (yes, 5th!) 4th of July bonfire at the greenhouses. I hope they don't burn anything down. But Cameo will be there... I'm sure she'll help prevent forest fires.
Well, I'm buying a house. It's 3 bedroom, 2 bath, with a garage apartment (1 bed, 1 bath). My living area is around 1200 square feet. There's a lot of stuff I'd like to do to the house, but instead of putting down 10% like I originally planned, I'm putting down 20% because there is no more mortgage insurance in Florida. It'll be a little harder initially (and I'll have much less cash to make some improvements) but I'll have more equity... and lower monthly payments.
I have a hard time believing that this is actually happening. I've been planning to by a house for so long, since I turned 25. Now, I'll be 29 in October... and I beat my goal by 1 year. I made savings goals for myself, to be ready to buy a house by the time I was 30. Thanks to the recession, I was ready earlier!
It makes me really excited to accomplish such a big goal, because I feel like I haven't had many other goals over the past few years. This was a big one. So what next?
Well, I guess pay for the house... make some modifications... find a renter for the apartment... start practicing hospitality (I'm really looking forward to that one)... maybe I'll finally get around to teaching violin lessons. That's a "sometime" goal for me... something I'd like to do at some point.
Oh, and of course there's finishing my AA degree. It feels like that one is taking forever. I'm making steady progress, but will my progress be impeded by the house purchase? I sure won't have any spare money for a while. I should fill out a FAFSA... so they can see I don't have any money. Then, maybe the government will pay for my school. Don't you love socialist America?
And my never-ending battle with health. I've grown to hate taking medicine. And paying big medical bills... even though I have health insurance. It seems as though for all the stuff wrong with me, the best choices/doctors/labs for treatments, don't take health insurance. I submit the bills, but after my $1000 deductible, I still end up paying at least 40% of the bill. That's expensive.
I'm feeling pretty good these days... even though I haven't been taking my medicine. But I'm eating pretty well, getting enough rest, getting excercise... maybe if I keep that up for a while, I can prolong the next doctor visit until I have some money.
I have some fun festivities ahead of me for the 4th of July weekend. Milestone, another greenhouse, is having a bbq today - so I'll get to see some friends over there. And then Jacob West's 5th birthday party is at 3... unfortunately it's almost an hour drive for me to get there (if I take the toll roads - yuck). But it's always a blast playing with the kids from church - and I enjoy catching the action with my camera!
I got a great present for Jacob - it's the giant hulk fists/punching gloves that make noises when you hit the end of them. I thought about getting them for Daniel, but he'll just have to play with Jacob's when he's at his house.
Tomorrow afternoon is the Yarborough's - my second 4th of July with them. It's crazy how fast time goes... another bbq and fireworks!
Billy is having his 5th annual (yes, 5th!) 4th of July bonfire at the greenhouses. I hope they don't burn anything down. But Cameo will be there... I'm sure she'll help prevent forest fires.
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