Wednesday, March 2, 2011

On Changing My Name - Phase #2

After the trip to the Social Security Office, it's been fairly smooth sailing.

One trip to the Tag Agency (aka DMV for the non-Floridians) for a new license. Done.
I went after work, and the wait was over an hour. So I got my ticket, went home (I live conveniently close by), put in the chicken for dinner, went back and waited for about 15 minutes til my number was called. Not too shabby. I even got a nice guy that asked if I wanted to update my voter registration at the same time... 2 birds with 1 stone.

I was hoping that they would take a new picture of me for the license, even though I just had it updated within the last year. The reason I had to have it updated... argh, it makes me angry to think about it. Long story short, I needed to have the corrective lenses restriction removed from my license (because I had Lasik!!...5 years ago - oops, slight oversight). Unfortunately, the whole incedent also required 2 court cases to get my CRIMINAL charge dropped because of the ticket (okay - not really a ticket. I couldn't just pay a fine and get out of it. I had to go to court) I got because I was driving without my (unnecessary) corrective lenses.  Needless to say, my driver's license picture that day looked like one of the pictures they air on the news when someone has committed an awful crime, and they look for the worst, meanest looking picture possible of you to show to the condemning public.
My new picture is much nicer - no uni-bomber or child-killer picture for me.

Credit cards are way easier to do - just a phone call or a secure email does the trick.
A trip to my bank with my marriage licenses will take care of them.

And then it's all of the other random places I'll forget that I need to change my name at. I guess I'll figure out what they are as time goes by.

Next stops - combined insurance? combined bank account? budgeting???

Oh, and I really need to practice signing my new name - I'm having a hard time getting all the letters in there!


bookwormlgi said...

keep the stories coming :)

Wendi said...

Will do :-)

Cameo E. said...

I cannot sign with a cursive captiol E! It always ends up with 4 or 5 loops. A cursive signature, save the printed "E" for me.