I was about ready to give up looking for answers to what was wrong with me, but by the grace of God, I decided to give one more doctor a chance (I'm sure there would have been more doctors after her at some point - but since she found the answers, she's the "last" one I went to :-)
Based off of some old notes, I'll attempt to make a list of the symptoms I had been experiencing up to that point.
- Headaches/Migraines
- Extreme Fatigue
- Depression
- Dizziness
- Loss of Appetite
- Muscle Pain
- Joint pain, especially bad in my hips
- Head Cloud/Brain Fog
- Inability to focus/think/concentrate
- Anger/Irritability
- Irregular Periods
- Skin problems
- Shaky/unsteady
- Weakness
- Fuzzy Vision
- Weight Gain & Loss
- Hair Loss
- Cold extremities/bad circulation
- Swollen eyelids
- Memory Loss
I made an appointment with the doctor. She mailed me a packet of papers (10+ pages) to fill out and bring to my first appointment. It was extremely detailed, and I did my best to answer the questions accurately which can be difficult since many symptoms come and go... and the memory loss makes it difficult to remember!
I can't remember how long I waited to see her - she was usually backed up since she was the only doctor and she took as much time with each patient as was necessary. Anyway, we reviewed the papers I filled out - page by page, line by line - and she was fairly convinced I had Lyme disease just based on my symptoms. She drew many vials of blood and sent me home with a kit to do a stool test to mail to a lab. Yuck.
I returned 3 weeks later or so to go over the results. Here is what she found, what 15+ medical professionals were not able to figure out.
- Lyme disease
- Babesia (co-infection - I'll explain that more later)
- Ehrlichiosis (another co-infection)
- Bartonella (and another co-infection)
- Low potassium level
- Low vitamin D level
- Asymptomatic urinary tract infection
- High levels of a few different viruses, including the Epstein Barr Virus - now up to 2440
- Tapeworm
- Dairy allergy
- Extremely depleted immune system - this one takes some explaining
But I shall end this post here. I have already typed an additional 7 paragraphs expounding on the above information - and I wouldn't want to overwhelm you with too much information at one time. And the story continues...
1 comment:
Good thing I know you're still alive, Wendi!
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